本公司創立於民國40年(西元1951年),在「秉持誠信、實在」的經營理念下,以最精純的原料、最先進的 技術、最精美的調味,生產出美味可口的拌飯佐料:味島香鬆系列、海苔醬系列、味島風味調味料系列及 味島壽司酢。所生產的系列產品,擁有百分之百的自然營養和原始風味,是當今最流行的佐餐聖品。
"Business built-on honesty, sincerity and integrity", "Stride for innovation and progress" are the mottos based on which we, since the founding of our company in 1951, achieve our sucess. Since 1951, under the management principles of honesty, sincerity and interity, we have been able to introduce a series of food products using the best ingredient, advanced manufacturing techniques, delicate process and a touch of dedication to what we do best.
The mouth watering and nutritious rice-mixing seasoning, Weitao's Rice Seasoning, seasoned seaweed paste, Weitao's instant soup-base for cooking and Weitao's shushi seasoning are all made to contain 100% natural nutrition and original taste. They are also the best thing to go with your meals, every meal.